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Lice Information

Please read the information linked below about lice treatment and school policies:

"AAA Updates Treatments for Head Lice"

"CDC Head Lice Information for Schools"

For information about Cetaphil treatment on the document below.

 Dear Parents,

     From time to time, a case or two of head lice occurs here at school. I have had several cases reported to me. Please check your child’s head and keep an eye open for any unusual scratching, especially behind the ears.

     Please remind your child about the importance of only using their own combs, hairbrushes, hats, and hair ties. Attached is an informational sheet about head lice.

     If you should find head lice, PLEASE DO NOT BE EMBARRASSED. It is important to call the school and let me (The nurse) know about it. If you have any questions, you can call me at 668-2474 or call your own family physician. Thank you for your cooperation. Please see the attached file regarding treating lice.

                                                                        Karen Theiss R.N.

                                                                          School Nurse

  • Please note that a child seen with live lice will not be returned to the classroom, and a call will be made to the parents for the child to be picked up and treated.
  • If you are pregnant, you must consult with your doctor before using any of the products.

Montauk Public School